My first real education on depression happened with my best friend.
Before this, depression was quite difficult for me to understand.
"I know you're sad, but you can get over it."
I tried desperately to snap my best friend out of it.
It wouldn't budge.
She would pull bitch fits on me; where before, I was the one throwing the hissy fits.
Out of this, I learned to be patient with others and not hold things against them.
I knew the real her; I knew she wasn't made of terror, anger, and frustration.
It was the d-e-p-r-e-s-s-i-o-n talking.
From personal experience, I can confidently say, you need to deal with someone with depression first hand to understand the impact. I feel like there is so much literature to self-identify depression within yourself or others, but never how to deal with it. Other than the proverbial, "s-e-e-k help."
Again, this is something that is learned from experience, and it's something that arises more than once in you life. Then you ponder it for a while, and you realize that on top of being thankful for your physical healthy "Thank god I can walk and am cancer free," you should also be thankful for mental health.
"Thank god you aren't trapped in a mental hell."
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